What you'll learn :-
- This training is designed for C#, .NET Developers who are new to Azure.
- It is 16 Hours (2 Months) Training, will be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday for 1 hour.
- Doubts Support related to the Training.
- Recordings of the live sessions
What are the pre-requisites ?
- Good Internet Connection
- Access to the Azure Portal
Training Content
Azure Cloud Step by Step Live Training -
Azure Fundamentals (2 hours) :-- Why Cloud and Pay as you go model?
- Private , Public and Hybrid cloud
- Capex and Opex ,Consumption based model
- Opening up Azure Account
- Geography, Region, Zones and Availability Zones
- Availability set , VMset , Fault domain and update domains
- Resource and Resource groups
- Creating First Azure virtual Machine and understanding all the above concepts
- 2 factor auth in VM
- Understanding terms High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery
App Services (2 hours):-
- Creating an App service and hosting a .NET application.
- Slots and swapping
- Scale out(H)/up(V),Auto scaling
Function App and Logic App (3 hours) :-
- Understanding serverless.
- Understanding terms Isolated and in-process.
- Consumption, function premium and app service plan
- Creating function apps and deploying.
- Durable Function apps – Definition
- Fan in and Fan out
- Durable function app timeout, Error Handling, Transactions
Azure OAuth , OpenId and OpenId Connect (3 hours) :-
- Introduction to Azure AD
- OpenId , OAuth and OpenId Connect
- JWT Token
- Implementing simple OAuth implicit flow with ASP Dotnet MVC
- Understanding different flows like Authorization Code , Implicit Flow, Client Credentials Flow and so on.
- Authorization code , Scopes, claims and roles
- We will also see the Flow demos using PostMan.
Azure Storages (3 hours) :-
- Azure SQL Server
- DTU , EDTU Calculation
- Blobs, Queues , tables and Files(Tied up with Azure).
- Azure Blobs
- Simple blob upload
- Uploading block blob in chunks
- Hot, cool, cold and archive
- Types of blobs
- Append, Page blob (512) and Block blobs
- Queues fundamentals
APIM (3 hours):-
- What is APIM ?
- The Echo test API testing with Postman and importance of ocp-apim-subscription-key
- Walking through APIM sections Design , Settings , test , revision , change log.
- Importance of products.
- Creating , Importing and Demo of API Service
- Understanding the inbound, output bound , backend and products.
- Demo of inbound, output bound, backend
- Versioning, Restrict IP Address, Limit rate calls, header removals
World-class training and development programs developed by top teachers
Whats Included
- World-class training teacher
- Bench has zero learning curve
- We handle the rest.